Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Meet The Next Generation FanBoy—Baby T.J.

(Pictured above: FanBoyWonder’s grandchildren—1) Our month-old grandson T.J.; 2) “Big Sister” Brianna The Girl Wonder who adores her brand new baby brother.)

FanBoyWonder cordially invites you to meet our brand new grandson—Baby T.J.

Grandpa FBW and Mrs. LoveyWonder made the LONG drive South this past weekend to meet the little guy who was born not quite a month ago—as well as to visit with our baby girl Brianna the Girl Wonder.

[We got back late Sunday and then FBW has had to punch the ole time clock at work without respite but we’ll get back up to speed with regular programming during the Holiday weekend.]

It was a joy to meet the little man who has already endured quite a lot just by being born. His mom and dad tell us that his prognosis following his emergency heart surgery is quite good and he’s been getting a clean bill of health during doctor check-ups (talk about small miracles).

T.J. slept quite a lot during our visit but when he was awake, we were in awe of his intelligent and curious eyes. He’s got it all in front of him.

Meanwhile, Brianna the Girl Wonder is quite proud to be a big sister to T.J. and she doted on him frequently when we were there.

Thankfully, we were able to get a lot of time to spend with Brianna—including two blessed overnight visits at our hotel where we got to watch her sleep, as we did when Brianna herself was a baby.

We also had to adjust to the many little changes as we realized Brianna has grown and matured during the six months since we last saw her (it’s felt like much longer).

We made the most of our time with Brianna—both when visiting T.J. and when we were off on our own together. The only downside was it when it came time to leave her again. That part NEVER gets easier.

Brianna didn’t want to say “good-bye” she told us as she cried. We fought back our own tears until we all got it together to put on happy faces (thanks to Baby T.J.) and Brianna was smiling when we walked out the door.

We are already planning our next visit but time spent with Brianna and now with Baby T.J. can’t come soon enough or last long enough.

But no matter how long it takes until we can meet again, we will NEVER, EVER say “good-bye” to our Brianna again.


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