Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sci-Fi Friday Roundup--The Stargates

Sci-Fi Friday night was pretty good overall with all three offerings--Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica--all coming in with solid episodes. The best of the night, as always was BSG, but the two Stargates managed to be surprisingly entertaining.

Stargate SG-1 --Collateral Damage

The upshot: Lt. Col. Mitchell stands falsely accused of murder on an off world diplomatic mission, but he remembers committing it, thanks to technology that grafts memories into someone else's mind.
Through the probing of his memories to prove his innocence viewers get a little bit of character development of the new SG-1 leader. What at first looked like a boiler plate low-impact murder mystery came in with a clever twist at the end but the real mover of the episodes was the glimpses of Mitchell's past--his test pilot father who lost both legs in a crash and a friendly fire bombing where he unwittingly killed innocent refugees.
These touches gave what had now been a really annoying character a little bit of heart. Let's see if it lasts.

Stargate Atlantis --Epiphany

The Upshot: Lt. Col. Sheppard finds himself on a planet where time passes more rapidly, with no way to contact his team or return to Atlantis.
As the team works frantically to rescue him, Sheppard endures weeks alone (from his perspective) before venturing out, encountering a frantic man running from an invisible monster, getting is ass kicked and waking up in a commune of humans who seek the path to ascension.
The rest of the episode progresses with cutaways between the Atlantis team in "real time" rushing to find a way to rescue Shepherd before it’s too late while in "portal time" Sheppard is the stranger in a strange village.
Dr. Weir gets off Atlantis and off world to lead the rescue mission but still has relatively little to do. Dr. McKay, the only Canadian on the show who isn't pretending to be not Canadian, remains an insufferable ass but figures out the deal and everyone goes into the portal and to the rescue.
The village unites to kill the monster and then moves on that other plane of existence that is ascension.
Sheppard carries the episode but unlike the attempt at character development in the previous hour's SG-1, Sheppard continues to muddle through as his annoying, one-line spewing self--an honors graduate of the Richard Dean Anderson school of one dimensional characters.
There has been buzz that future episodes will reveal more of Sheppard past, including the Afghanistan incident, but so far what we've seen is what we get with SA's action hero.
All-in an amusing waste of time.


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